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Integration testing

Unlike unit testing, which focuses on individual modules and classes, end-to-end testing covers the interaction of classes and modules.

In the following example we will write a test which starts fake server and will execute GET / route and compare results which is actually sent to client!

import {Injector, fakeHttpServer} from "@typeix/resty";
import {HomeController} from "@app/controllers/home.controller";
import {TemplateEngine} from "@app/components/templating-engine.service";
import {ApplicationModule} from "@app/application.module";

describe("Home controller", () => {
  let fakeServer;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    fakeServer = await fakeHttpServer(ApplicationModule);

  test("GET /", async () => {
    const injector = Injector.createAndResolve(TemplateEngine, []);  
    const templateEngine = injector.get(TemplateEngine);
    const body = await templateEngine.compileAndRender("home_id", {
      id: "NO_ID",
      name: "this is home page",
      title: "Home page example"

    const result = fakeServer.GET("/");

As you can see there is no extra magic except using dependency injection or Injector to create instance of templating engine and fakeServer to bootstrap application and execute GET / route.