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MongoDB is a popular, open-source, NoSQL (non-relational) database management system designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data. Developed by MongoDB Inc., it falls under the category of document-oriented databases.

Unlike traditional relational databases, which organize data into tables with predefined schemas, MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. This allows for dynamic and schema-less data modeling, making it well-suited for applications where data structures can evolve over time.

One of MongoDB's key strengths lies in its ability to scale horizontally, which means it can distribute data across multiple servers to handle high traffic and large datasets. It also supports features like replication for high availability and sharding for even greater scalability.

MongoDB is widely used across various industries, including web applications, mobile apps, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, and more. Its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use have made it a popular choice for developers seeking to work with large and rapidly evolving datasets.

TypeORM has basic MongoDB support, find out more by reading official docs.

Resty framework fully supports integration with typeorm without any extra library or adapter. You can find full example in resty starters repository.


Let's start by creating new typeix project, by running @typeix/cli commands:

typeix new api-typeorm-mongodb
cd api-typeorm-mongodb

Install typeorm and postgres connector by running:

npm i  --save typeorm mongodb

You need to install docker for your local development environment and start postgres in docker container

docker run -p 27017:27017 -d --name typeorm-mongo mongo


In following example let's encapsulate typeorm in datastore module by running:

typeix generate mdl DataStore
cd src/data-store

Goal is to generate following structure

L src
  L orm-config.json
  L data-store
      L mongo.module.ts
      L config
         L mongo.config.ts
      L entity
         L user.entity.ts
      L repository
         L user.repository.ts


Connection options is a connection configuration you pass to createConnection or define in ormconfig file. Different databases have their own specific mongodb connection options.

Inside source let's create orm-config.json file with following configuration:

  "type": "mongodb",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 27017,
  "username": null,
  "password": null,
  "database": "typeix",
  "useUnifiedTopology": true,
  "useNewUrlParser": true,
  "synchronize": false,
  "entities": [

Inside datastore module let's create connection config file:

import {CreateProvider, Injectable} from "@typeix/resty";
import {DataSource, DataSourceOptions, MongoEntityManager} from "";
import * as pgConfig from "~/orm-config.json";
import {EntityTarget} from "typeorm/common/EntityTarget";
import {MongoRepository} from "typeorm/repository/MongoRepository";

export class MongoDataSource {

    provide: DataSource,
    useFactory: async () => {
      return await new DataSource(<DataSourceOptions>{
        name: "default",
        logging: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "prod"
    providers: []
  }) private dataSource: DataSource;

  getDataSource(): DataSource {
    return this.dataSource;

  getEntityManager(): MongoEntityManager {
    return this.dataSource.mongoManager;

  getMongoRepository<T>(entity: EntityTarget<T>): MongoRepository<T> {
    return this.dataSource.getMongoRepository(entity);


Entity is a class that maps to a database table (or collection when using MongoDB).

Entity is your model decorated by an @Entity decorator, a database table will be created for such models. You can load/insert/update/remove and perform other operations with them.

To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column with a @Column decorator.

Let's create our first User Entity:

import {Column, Entity, ObjectIdColumn, ObjectID} from "typeorm";

export class User {

  id: ObjectID;

  firstName: string;

  lastName: string;

  age: number;


MongoRepository as Service

Repository is just like EntityManager but its operations are limited to a concrete entity.

In following example you can see implementation of UserRepository in Service

import {Inject, Injectable} from "@typeix/resty";
import {User} from "~/modules/data-store/entity/user.entity";
import {MongoDataSource} from "~/modules/data-store/configs/mongo-data-source.service";
import {MongoRepository} from "typeorm/repository/MongoRepository";

export class UserService {

  @Inject() mongoDataSource: MongoDataSource;

  async find(): Promise<Array<User>> {
    return this.getRepository().find();

  async save(entity: User): Promise<User> {
    return this.getRepository().save(entity);

  getRepository(): MongoRepository<User> {
    return this.mongoDataSource.getMongoRepository(User);
In service we implement custom business logic or extend repository, each repository contains default logic
 * Repository used to manage mongodb documents of a single entity type.
export declare class MongoRepository<Entity extends ObjectLiteral> extends Repository<Entity> {
     * Entity Manager used by this repository.
    readonly manager: MongoEntityManager;
     * Raw SQL query execution is not supported by MongoDB.
     * Calling this method will return an error.
    query(query: string, parameters?: any[]): Promise<any>;
     * Using Query Builder with MongoDB is not supported yet.
     * Calling this method will return an error.
    createQueryBuilder(alias: string, queryRunner?: QueryRunner): SelectQueryBuilder<Entity>;
     * Finds entities that match given find options or conditions.
    find(options?: MongoFindManyOptions<Entity>): Promise<Entity[]>;
     * Finds entities that match given find options or conditions.
    findBy(where: any): Promise<Entity[]>;
     * Finds entities that match given find options or conditions.
     * Also counts all entities that match given conditions,
     * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options).
    findAndCount(options?: MongoFindManyOptions<Entity>): Promise<[Entity[], number]>;
     * Finds entities that match given find options or conditions.
     * Also counts all entities that match given conditions,
     * but ignores pagination settings (from and take options).
    findAndCountBy(where: any): Promise<[Entity[], number]>;
     * Finds entities by ids.
     * Optionally find options can be applied.
     * @deprecated use `findBy` method instead in conjunction with `In` operator, for example:
     * .findBy({
     *     id: In([1, 2, 3])
     * })
    findByIds(ids: any[], options?: any): Promise<Entity[]>;
     * Finds first entity that matches given find options.
    findOne(options: MongoFindOneOptions<Entity>): Promise<Entity | null>;
     * Finds first entity that matches given WHERE conditions.
    findOneBy(where: any): Promise<Entity | null>;
     * Finds entity that matches given id.
     * @deprecated use `findOneBy` method instead in conjunction with `In` operator, for example:
     * .findOneBy({
     *     id: 1 // where "id" is your primary column name
     * })
    findOneById(id: string | string[] | number | number[] | Date | Date[] | ObjectID | ObjectID[]): Promise<Entity | null>;
     * Finds first entity by a given find options.
     * If entity was not found in the database - rejects with error.
    findOneOrFail(options: FindOneOptions<Entity>): Promise<Entity>;
     * Finds first entity that matches given where condition.
     * If entity was not found in the database - rejects with error.
    findOneByOrFail(where: any): Promise<Entity>;
     * Creates a cursor for a query that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB.
    createCursor<T = any>(query?: ObjectLiteral): Cursor<T>;
     * Creates a cursor for a query that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB.
     * This returns modified version of cursor that transforms each result into Entity model.
    createEntityCursor(query?: ObjectLiteral): Cursor<Entity>;
     * Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection.
    aggregate<R = any>(pipeline: ObjectLiteral[], options?: CollectionAggregationOptions): AggregationCursor<R>;
     * Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection.
     * This returns modified version of cursor that transforms each result into Entity model.
    aggregateEntity(pipeline: ObjectLiteral[], options?: CollectionAggregationOptions): AggregationCursor<Entity>;
     * Perform a bulkWrite operation without a fluent API.
    bulkWrite(operations: ObjectLiteral[], options?: CollectionBulkWriteOptions): Promise<BulkWriteOpResultObject>;
     * Count number of matching documents in the db to a query.
    count(query?: ObjectLiteral, options?: MongoCountPreferences): Promise<number>;
     * Count number of matching documents in the db to a query.
    countBy(query?: ObjectLiteral, options?: MongoCountPreferences): Promise<number>;
     * Creates an index on the db and collection.
    createCollectionIndex(fieldOrSpec: string | any, options?: MongodbIndexOptions): Promise<string>;
     * Creates multiple indexes in the collection, this method is only supported for MongoDB 2.6 or higher.
     * Earlier version of MongoDB will throw a command not supported error.
     * Index specifications are defined at
    createCollectionIndexes(indexSpecs: ObjectLiteral[]): Promise<void>;
     * Delete multiple documents on MongoDB.
    deleteMany(query: ObjectLiteral, options?: CollectionOptions): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>;
     * Delete a document on MongoDB.
    deleteOne(query: ObjectLiteral, options?: CollectionOptions): Promise<DeleteWriteOpResultObject>;
     * The distinct command returns returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection.
    distinct(key: string, query: ObjectLiteral, options?: {
        readPreference?: ReadPreference | string;
    }): Promise<any>;
     * Drops an index from this collection.
    dropCollectionIndex(indexName: string, options?: CollectionOptions): Promise<any>;
     * Drops all indexes from the collection.
    dropCollectionIndexes(): Promise<any>;
     * Find a document and delete it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
    findOneAndDelete(query: ObjectLiteral, options?: {
        projection?: Object;
        sort?: Object;
        maxTimeMS?: number;
    }): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>;
     * Find a document and replace it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
    findOneAndReplace(query: ObjectLiteral, replacement: Object, options?: FindOneAndReplaceOption): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>;
     * Find a document and update it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
    findOneAndUpdate(query: ObjectLiteral, update: Object, options?: FindOneAndReplaceOption): Promise<FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject>;
     * Execute a geo search using a geo haystack index on a collection.
    geoHaystackSearch(x: number, y: number, options?: GeoHaystackSearchOptions): Promise<any>;
     * Execute the geoNear command to search for items in the collection.
    geoNear(x: number, y: number, options?: GeoNearOptions): Promise<any>;
     * Run a group command across a collection.
    group(keys: Object | Array<any> | Function | Code, condition: Object, initial: Object, reduce: Function | Code, finalize: Function | Code, command: boolean, options?: {
        readPreference?: ReadPreference | string;
    }): Promise<any>;
     * Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.
    collectionIndexes(): Promise<any>;
     * Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.
    collectionIndexExists(indexes: string | string[]): Promise<boolean>;
     * Retrieves this collections index info.
    collectionIndexInformation(options?: {
        full: boolean;
    }): Promise<any>;
     * Initiate an In order bulk write operation, operations will be serially executed in the order they are added, creating a new operation for each switch in types.
    initializeOrderedBulkOp(options?: CollectionOptions): OrderedBulkOperation;
     * Initiate a Out of order batch write operation. All operations will be buffered into insert/update/remove commands executed out of order.
    initializeUnorderedBulkOp(options?: CollectionOptions): UnorderedBulkOperation;
     * Inserts an array of documents into MongoDB.
    insertMany(docs: ObjectLiteral[], options?: CollectionInsertManyOptions): Promise<InsertWriteOpResult>;
     * Inserts a single document into MongoDB.
    insertOne(doc: ObjectLiteral, options?: CollectionInsertOneOptions): Promise<InsertOneWriteOpResult>;
     * Returns if the collection is a capped collection.
    isCapped(): Promise<any>;
     * Get the list of all indexes information for the collection.
    listCollectionIndexes(options?: {
        batchSize?: number;
        readPreference?: ReadPreference | string;
    }): CommandCursor;
     * Run Map Reduce across a collection. Be aware that the inline option for out will return an array of results not a collection.
    mapReduce(map: Function | string, reduce: Function | string, options?: MapReduceOptions): Promise<any>;
     * Return N number of parallel cursors for a collection allowing parallel reading of entire collection.
     * There are no ordering guarantees for returned results.
    parallelCollectionScan(options?: ParallelCollectionScanOptions): Promise<Cursor<Entity>[]>;
     * Reindex all indexes on the collection Warning: reIndex is a blocking operation (indexes are rebuilt in the foreground) and will be slow for large collections.
    reIndex(): Promise<any>;
     * Reindex all indexes on the collection Warning: reIndex is a blocking operation (indexes are rebuilt in the foreground) and will be slow for large collections.
    rename(newName: string, options?: {
        dropTarget?: boolean;
    }): Promise<Collection<any>>;
     * Replace a document on MongoDB.
    replaceOne(query: ObjectLiteral, doc: ObjectLiteral, options?: ReplaceOneOptions): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>;
     * Get all the collection statistics.
    stats(options?: {
        scale: number;
    }): Promise<CollStats>;
     * Update multiple documents on MongoDB.
    updateMany(query: ObjectLiteral, update: ObjectLiteral, options?: {
        upsert?: boolean;
        w?: any;
        wtimeout?: number;
        j?: boolean;
    }): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>;
    updateOne(query: ObjectLiteral, update: ObjectLiteral, options?: ReplaceOneOptions): Promise<UpdateWriteOpResult>;