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I'm personally not fun of micro benchmarks because applications can be optimized on multiple layers, however you can find results below.

  • Machine: Rayzen 7 3800x 8c/16t | docker linux x64 | 2 vCPU | 4GB RAM
  • Node: node:14
  • Method: autocannon -c 100 -d 40 -p 10 localhost:3000 (two rounds; one to warm-up, one to measure)
Version Router Requests/s Latency Throughput/Mb
fastify ^3.0.0 81185.61 11.82 15.18
@nestjs/platform-fastify ^7.6.15 68189.2 14.17 12.75
@typeix/router ^7.4.1 65384.4 14.8 9.15
@typeix/resty ^7.4.1 55476.8 17.53 7.77
express ^4.16.4 17665.6 56.1 3.30
@nestjs/platform-express ^7.6.15 14079 70.47 3.55

code you can find on benchmarks repository