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Each resty application needs to have only one @RootModule and it can have arbitrary number of @Modules which are imported at other modules or at root module definition. A module is a class annotated with a @Module() or @RootModule() decorator.

You can find about module package specifics in @typeix/modules package. However Resty framework have extra module specifics which are implemented on top of @typeix/modules implementation.

There are two types of resty modules a module and a root module:

interface ModuleMetadata {
  imports?: Array<Function | IProvider>;
  exports?: Array<Function | IProvider>;
  controllers?: Array<Function | IProvider>;
  path?: string;
  providers: Array<Function | IProvider>;
A @Module is a module which is imported by other module or by @RootModule. A @RootModule is used only once in application, and it needs to be used by resty pipeServer function!
interface RootModuleMetadata extends ModuleMetadata {
  controllers: Array<Function | IProvider>;
  shared_providers?: Array<Function | IProvider>;

Feature modules

Feature modules are modules which are belonging to same application domain, specific business feature and helps to keep code more organized, manage complexity and to implement SOLID principles.

Let's take a look at one example:

 L modules
    L admin
        L services
            L admin.service.ts
        L controllers
            L admin.controller.ts
        L admin.module.ts
Admin service:
import {Injectable} from "@typeix/resty";

export class AdminService {

Admin controller:
import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";

  path: "/"
export class AdminController {

Admin module:
import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminController} from "./controllers/admin.controller";
import {AdminService} from "./services/admin.service";

  path: "/admin",
  controllers: [AdminController],
  providers: [AdminService]
export class AdminModule {

Root Module Definition:
import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminModule} from "./modules/admin/admin.module";

  imports: [AdminModule]
export class ApplicationModule {


Sharing Providers

It's possible to share providers between modules in two ways, globally by defining them in @RootModule or locally by exporting providers inside of module.

In following example AdminService is exported to other module which imports this module!

import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminController} from "./controllers/admin.controller";
import {AdminService} from "./services/admin.service";

  path: "/admin",
  controllers: [AdminController],
  providers: [AdminService],
  exports: [AdminService]
export class AdminModule {

We can as well share providers inside of root module, but keep in mind that change is actually making that provider visible to all modules!
Root Module Definition:
import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminService} from "./modules/admin/services/admin.service";

  shared_providers: [AdminService]
export class ApplicationModule {


Module exporting

It's possible to share providers by importing and exporting providers from modules.
Providers that must be exported to other modules needs to be defined in exports metadata inside of module metadata.

import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminController} from "./controllers/admin.controller";
import {AdminService} from "./services/admin.service";

  path: "/admin",
  providers: [AdminService],
  exports: [AdminService]
export class AdminModule {

Once module exports providers that wants to export, module that imports GuestModule must define imports or modules to be imported!
If you want that same service is re-exported it's possible to re-export by defining provider exports to imported module!
import {Module} from "@typeix/resty";
import {AdminModule} from "./modules/admin/admin.module";
import {AdminService} from "./modules/admin/services/admin.service";

  path: "/guest",
  imports: [AdminModule],
  exports: [AdminService]
export class GuestModule {


Dynamic modules

Resty framework supports dynamic modules and controllers via resty routing, but we will tackle this topic in routing documentation!