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What is interceptor?
Interceptor is a class annotated with @Injectable which have access to intercepted methods, it can control execution, catch exceptions, bind extra logic and transform data that are returned in original method.

Typeix support two type of interceptors, a request interceptor and dependency injection interceptor.


Request interceptors are implemented in resty framework package and thy can be used only with resty.

  • Executed in order
  • Is request scoped
  • Can be assigned at controller level
  • Can be defined at singe request level
  • First return wins - if you have multiple interceptors at controller level, first one in order that returns result will stop execution of other interceptors!

interface InterceptedRequest {
  handler: () => any;
  injector: Injector;
  route: IResolvedRoute;
  request: IncomingMessage | Http2ServerRequest;
  response: ServerResponse | Http2ServerResponse;
  args: any;
Caching interceptor example:
import {Injectable, Inject, RequestInterceptor, InterceptedRequest} from "@typeix/resty";

export class CacheInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
  @Inject() cacheProvider: InMemoryCache;

  async invoke(method: InterceptedRequest): Promise<any> {
    if (await this.cacheProvider.has(method.route.path)) {
      return await this.cacheProvider.get(method.route.path);
    } else {
      this.cacheProvider.set(method.route.path, await method.handler(), 120);
Controller implementation:
import {Controller, PathParam} from "@typeix/resty";

  interceptors: [CacheInterceptor]
export class PostsController {

    getPost(@PathParam("path") path: string)  {
        return this.postsService.getPostsByPath(path);


Method interceptors are implemented in dependency injection package, and it can be used with Injector.

  • Executed in order
  • All interceptors are executed
  • Return can be transformed
  • Can be defined at any method (service, module, controller etc.)
     interface Method {
      invoke: () => any;
      transform: (data: any) => any;
      readonly injector: Injector;
      readonly decoratorArgs: any;

Typeix is un opinionated framework, and it's not bundled with any templating engine, in order to use any templating engine you need to install it, create a service and using handy decorator you can remove boilerplate code!

export class RenderInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  @Inject() engine: TemplateEngine;
  async invoke(method: Method): Promise<any> {
    const data = await method.invoke();
    const result = await this.engine.compileAndRender(method.decoratorArgs.value, data);
    return await method.transform(result);

export function Render(value: string) {
  return createMethodInterceptor(Render, RenderInterceptor, {value});

Setting header use case:

import { Injectable, Inject, Interceptor, Method, createMethodInterceptor, isObject, isString } from "@typeix/resty";
import { ServerResponse } from "http";

class SetHeaderInterceptor implements Interceptor {

  @Inject() response: ServerResponse;

  invoke(method: Method): any {
    if (isObject(method.decoratorArgs.key)) {
      Object.keys(method.decoratorArgs.key).forEach(key => {
        this.response.setHeader(key, Reflect.get(method.decoratorArgs.key, key));
    } else if (isString(method.decoratorArgs.key) && isString(method.decoratorArgs.value)) {
      this.response.setHeader(method.decoratorArgs.key, method.decoratorArgs.value);
After defining interceptor we need to define custom decorator:
export function SetHeader(key: string | {[key:string]: string}, value?: string) {
  return createMethodInterceptor(SetHeader, SetHeaderInterceptor, {key, value});