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WebSockets provide a communication protocol that allows for real-time, bidirectional communication between a client (usually a web browser) and a server over a single, long-lived connection. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, which are stateless and require separate requests for each interaction, WebSockets enable continuous data exchange between the client and server.

Key characteristics of WebSockets include:

Bi-Directional Communication: WebSockets allow both the client and server to send messages to each other at any time, enabling real-time updates and interactive applications.

Persistent Connection: Once established, a WebSocket connection remains open, allowing for efficient and instant data transfer without the overhead of repeatedly establishing new connections.

Low Latency: Since WebSockets eliminate the need for repeated request-response cycles, they provide low-latency communication, making them ideal for applications that require rapid updates.

Efficient Use of Resources: WebSockets reduce the need for continuous polling or long-polling techniques, which can be resource-intensive for both the client and server.

Support for Various Data Formats: WebSockets can transmit data in various formats, including plain text, JSON, XML, and binary data, giving developers flexibility in designing their communication protocols.

Cross-Domain Communication: WebSockets can facilitate communication between different domains, provided that the server supports cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) or other necessary security measures.

WebSockets find applications in a wide range of real-time or interactive scenarios, such as chat applications, online gaming, collaborative editing tools, financial trading platforms, and live sports updates.

It's worth noting that while WebSockets offer significant advantages for real-time communication, they may not be the best choice for all situations. Factors like security considerations, compatibility with existing systems, and the nature of the application's requirements should be taken into account when deciding whether to implement WebSockets.

Quick Start

Typeix resty websocket implementation is a wrapper over ws node.js package.

Resty fully supports integration with ws using @typeix/resty-ws wrapper library. You can find full example in resty starters websockets repository.


Start by installing the required packages:

$ npm i -g @typeix/cli
$ typeix new ws-project
$ cd ws-project
$ npm i @typeix/resty-ws 
$ npm i --save-dev @types/ws
$ typeix start --watch


For each websocket connection typeix create new instance of websocket controller and it's isolated from each other, on each socket connection close controller and it's resources are destroyed.

import {IAfterConstruct, Inject, Logger} from "@typeix/resty";
import {Arg, Subscribe, WebSocketController, WebSocket} from "@typeix/resty-ws";
import {IncomingMessage} from "http";

  providers: [],
  socketOptions: {
    path: "/ws"
export class AppControllerSocket implements IAfterConstruct {

  @Inject() logger: Logger;
  @Inject() socket: WebSocket;
  @Inject() request: IncomingMessage;

  onMessage(@Arg() buffer: Buffer, @Arg() isBinary: boolean) {
      message: buffer.toString(),
    }, "MESSAGE SENT");
      message: "RECEIVED: " + buffer.toString()

  afterConstruct(): void {{
      headers: this.request.headers


Decorator Info
@WebSocketController() defines websocket controller, for each socket connection new controller is instantiated and providers defined on controller
@Subscribe() subscribe to web socket event "error", "message", "open", "ping", "pong", "redirect", "upgrade", "unexpected-response"
@Arg() inject argument of subscribed event handler each event type has different argument types and number of arguments
@Args() inject list of all handler arguments that are you subscribing, each handler type has different number of arguments

Socket Events

Event types that you can subscribe to with @Subscribe() decorator and arguments that you can inject, all injectables from Injector will work as well.


Emitted when a message is received. data is the message content. isBinary specifies whether the message is binary or not.

  @Inject() serviceD: MyCustomServiceD,
  @Arg() buffer: Buffer, 
  @Arg() isBinary: boolean


Emitted when the connection is closed. code is a numeric value indicating the status code explaining why the connection has been closed. reason is a Buffer containing a human-readable string explaining why the connection has been closed.

  @Arg() code: number, 
  @Inject() serviceA: MyCustomService,  
  @Arg() reason: Buffer


Emitted when an error occurs

onError(@Arg() err: Error)
Errors may have a .code property, matching one of the string values defined below under Error codes.

Error Code Info
WS_ERR_EXPECTED_FIN A WebSocket frame was received with the FIN bit not set when it was expected.
WS_ERR_EXPECTED_MASK An unmasked WebSocket frame was received by a WebSocket server.
WS_ERR_INVALID_CLOSE_CODE A WebSocket close frame was received with an invalid close code.
WS_ERR_INVALID_CONTROL_PAYLOAD_LENGTH A control frame with an invalid payload length was received.
WS_ERR_INVALID_OPCODE A WebSocket frame was received with an invalid opcode.
WS_ERR_INVALID_UTF8 A text or close frame was received containing invalid UTF-8 data.
WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MASK A masked WebSocket frame was received by a WebSocket client.
WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_1 A WebSocket frame was received with the RSV1 bit set unexpectedly.
WS_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RSV_2_3 A WebSocket frame was received with the RSV2 or RSV3 bit set unexpectedly.
WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_PAYLOAD_LENGTH A data frame was received with a length longer than the max supported length (2^53 - 1, due to JavaScript language limitations).
WS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_LENGTH A message was received with a length longer than the maximum supported length, as configured by the maxPayload option.


Emitted when response headers are received from the server as part of the handshake. This allows you to read headers from the server, for example 'set-cookie' headers

onUpgrade(@Arg() request: IncomingMessage)


Emitted when the connection is established



Emitted when a ping is received

onPing(@Arg() buffer: Buffer)


Emitted when a pong is received

onPong(@Arg() buffer: Buffer)

Unexpected Response

Emitted when the server response is not the expected one, for example a 401 response. This event gives the ability to read the response in order to extract useful information. If the server sends an invalid response and there isn't a listener for this event, an error is emitted

  @Arg() request: ClientRequest, 
  @Arg() response: IncomingMessage


You can fully do integration test for your implementation of sockets.

import {createServer, IncomingMessage} from "http";

describe("WebSocket", () => {
  it("Integration test", async () => {

      shared_providers: [],
      controllers: [AppControllerSocket]
    class WebSocketApplication {


    const server = createServer();
    await pipeWebSocket(server, WebSocketApplication);
    await pipeServer(server, WebSocketApplication);

    return await new Promise((resolve) => {
      server.listen(0, () => {
        const address: AddressInfo = <AddressInfo>server.address();
        const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:" + address.port + "/ws", {
          headers: {
            Authorization: "Basic " + Buffer.from("admin:admin").toString("base64")
        ws.on("open", () => ws.send(message));
        ws.on("message", data => messages.push(data.toString()));

        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000);